October's Dare to Be Differernt - Change Your Beliefs
“All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.”
- Tony Robbins
I read an article today by Randy Paynter that seemed extremely relevant to my
"Dare To Be Different" Blog.
He believes that our anxieties and fear of doing something different, trying something new, originate from the primal need to avoid being rejected by our peers. His article talks about how in the Stone Age, survival was all about working together as a community and if not, you were ostracized.
Does this "deep rooted survival mechanism," using Randy's words,
prevent us today from taking risks?
Are your fears of being rejected limiting your potential? Perhaps now is the
time to recognize these subconscious beliefs and
replace them with empowering beliefs!
When planning your next marketing initiative, think about
Be Creative - Think Outside The Box!
Present an idea to your team
that will be engaging and memorable.
Let us know how we can help YOU stand out from your competition.
Click on the image below for Randy Paynter's article.
It is definitely a powerful read!
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