July's Dare To Be Different Blog - How Are You Staying Engaged?
"If you have the power to make someone feel good,
you should make them feel good."
~ Unknown
Have you sent anyone a hug lately?
Something to let them know you care and are thinking of them?
Do something today to make one of your business partners, clients, or employees
While many things are changing around us, it is essential to maintain
consistency in your marketing efforts, to
maintain visibility of your brand, tell your story, and stay engaged.
Many of you reading this blog know that I just returned to Boston after being with my daughter
and her family for just shy of 4 months. It was intended to be a 10 day visit!
You can imagine the pile of personal mail, business mail, industry magazines and packages
waiting for me. One of the packages was such a pleasant surprise and I want to share
the experience with you through the video below.
One of my preferred suppliers sent me a HUG in a box!
This simple gesture made me smile, let me know they were thinking about me and,
confirmed that they are open and ready to help.
Have you received something that made you feel good?
Have you done something different to let people
know you are thinking about them and available?
While it may seem difficult right now, our business is to
think outside the box, to provide solutions
and get the results you desire.
Add this to your To Do List!
Please share your experiences with us and let us know if we can highlight your stories.
Let's share stories... Let's collaborate...
Let's Dare To Be Different!
We are here to help you!