April's Can You Believe They Make This? - A Bucket Hat with a Shield!

  • Apr 28, 2020

  "Challenges are what makes life interesting and

                    overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." 

                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ unknown


Things continue to be chaotic with daily updates and changes.

There are so many unknowns as states across the country are lifting their restrictions

and we try to determine what life will be like as we begin to venture out once again.


One thing we know, we will need to continue to



While I 'Can't Believe They Actually Make This,'

we must give credit to those that come up with these ideas.


The Safeguard Bucket Hat

(with a removable shield)




The Safeguard Bucket Hat protects you from germs, bacteria,

and viruses floating around you! 

We realize this might not be the item YOU want to use, but we have

many options to help keep you protected!

Whatever your needs may be for going back to the office, continuing

to work from home, or getting back into the social world, we've got you covered!



     and more....




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